Saturday 28 April 2018

Geothermal Energy


Disclaimer: Yes I know that this is a random blog post and totally not related to my other ones but
I ran out of interesting ideas.

What it is

Geothermal energy is heat energy stored inside the earth's crust or parts of its upper mantle. Being a renewable source of energy, geothermal energy is available at all times. It is considered to be a renewable energy source since there is an almost unlimited amount of heat being produced by Earth's core.

How it Works

A geothermal power plant is established in an area with high geothermal activity. An ideal place for a geothermal power plant would be above or near an underground heat source such as an underground reservoir of hot water. As you can see in this diagram to the left, the power plant takes advantage of the geothermal reservoir provided.

First, water is injected into the crust and passes through the geothermal reservoir.

Then, water is heated by the reservoir and is converted into steam.

Next, steam is pumped into the turbine to power it.

After that, turbine turns the generator which produced electricity that goes to consumers..

Steam exits the turbine and then is condensed back into water via the condenser and the cycle repeats over and over again.


With proper heat reservoir management, geothermal energy can be run indefinitely. This is due to the almost unlimited supply of heat from the geothermal reservoir. Geothermal energy is also is the cleanest source of energy.

It produces around none to minimal greenhouse gas emissions. The usual geothermal power plant produces about 122 kg of CO2 for every MW (megawatt) hour of electricity it generates. The average coal power plant produces 978 kg of CO2 for every MW hour. If you compare the amount of CO2 generated, the geothermal power plant CO2 emission are reduced by 87.5%.

Geothermal power plants provide long term cost certainty which means that electricity rates are more stable compared to other energy sources. By product heat of the power plant can be used for other things like food processing and fish farms


Geothermal power plants are expensive to build. A single power plant costs around $2 million to $7 million to build though it can pay itself off after 5 to 10 years.

Geothermal power plants are very location specific. Sometimes a geothermal power plant could be miles away from a residential area which means more cost for the installation of power lines.

Installing a geothermal power plant can affect the land stability of the area. The installation of a power plant in Switzerland on January 1997 caused a 3.4 magnitude earthquake forcing construction workers to abandon the project.

 Where is it used in Canada

Canada has no geothermal power plants for commercial use despite it having excellent geothermal resources; the most ideal places are located to the west and north of the country.

BC hydro has identified 16 ideal places in the province for geothermal power plant installation. The South Meager geothermal project, 55 km north of Pemberton, has the potential to generate 100 MW of energy which is enough power for 80,000 homes.

Friday 13 April 2018

Windows XP- Why is it still so popular after over a decade?

After a small break, we come back to continuing our 'Windows PC' series. If you are new to the series, I will be using an abbreviation called OS which stands for operating system. Today we will go all the way back to 2001 and review Windows XP, possibly the best OS of its era.

Image result for Windows XP
4 years ago, on April 8, 2014, Microsoft discontinued Windows XP support, meaning that it won't receive any important software or security updates anymore. However, a sizable chunk of PC users still run this outdated OS. In numbers, 16% of the world's PC's run Windows XP. Why? Well, it's a long story. So settle down with a blanket and maybe even make yourself a cup for tea, and read on.

Usually, every time Microsoft releases a new version on Windows onto the market, they allow users of the previous Windows OS a limited time offer to upgrade for free. After that, if you wish to upgrade, you will have to pay for the newer version. This is how Microsoft gets its users to user newer versions. As said before, Microsoft also discontinues support for older versions of Windows OS to encourage people to use the newer versions. 

Image result for Windows XP
Windows XP is different in this case. There was a sort of gap in between versions. The newer version that followed Windows XP was called 'Windows Vista'. When it came out, some people upgraded immediately, hoping that it would be a better version; only to find out that it sucked. There were multiple problems with Windows Vista, which we will discuss more in-depth for an upcoming blog post. The security updated were bugged, the processing speed was comparable to that of a sloth with default configuration and acceptable driver card support was almost non-existent. To put it simply, Windows XP, the PREVIOUS version, was BETTER than Vista; and people had to PAY for it
(shame on you Microsoft..). As a result, many disappointing users reverted back to Windows XP. 

Image result for windows 7Finally, on July 22, 2009, Microsoft redeemed itself with Windows 7, arguably the best version that we all know and love today. The OS ran very smoothly and at a fast speed and the display and formatting was nice and polished. But the ironic thing is that Windows Vista was originally supposed to be Windows 7. Yes, the best OS in the series was originally going to be in worst one. 

And that's pretty much how it all went down. Windows users that reverted back to Windows XP after Vista now had to pay for Windows 7 if they wanted to upgrade therefore explaining why so many people still use Windows XP.

(Now look at your cup of tea that you might have made earlier; I bet it's still full).

Saturday 10 March 2018

Success and Failure for ths School Year

Throughout the year, there are multiple challenges a student has to face at school. Homework, good grades, and other stuff are all examples. One can either succeed or not so succeed in these areas. For me, I can say that I went through many successes and failures during the school year.

Homework doesn't really count as a success but when you have to pull off something big, it feels like a huge success. For example, the group project that's worth 10% of your term mark. There always seems to be a person slacking off and does not want to do anything no matter how hard you convince them. Sometimes, they listen but they do a really bad job in the process. So now, I have to stay up until 12:00 AM making changes so massive to someone else's work that I might as well re-write the whole thing. However, it felt great when I finally finished his part because it means that the rest of my group and I can mess around with the slacker the day the project is due and tell them that no one did his part and watch him freak out. I recommend doing this to anyone that is in or has been in a similar situation because it will be totally worth it.

For the topic on grades, the closest metaphor I can relate them to is a double edged sword since I have both succeeded and failed at them. For example. I have done extremely well on numerous subjects, getting above 90 for most of them. But the thing that is killing them right now is math. I never really invested a lot of time on the subject and that has lowered my grades as a result. Sometimes, I can make really stupid mistakes that can drop me as much as 5%. But there was I thing I really messed up on and that was the trig section on the midterm. I thought to myself, Trig, this is easy; let's just say I was unaware that my calculator was in Radians instead of Degrees. Plummeted straight down from a 92 to a 75. To this day, I always double check my work. I also check that my calculator is right mode.

Friday 16 February 2018


Thought you might not have heard of Linux, just like Windows and iOS, Linux is an operating system (OS). Linus was created in 1991 by Linus Torvalds, a student at the University of Helsinki. Even though approximately 2.1% of global OS users have Linux, it is the most widely known and used open source OS in the world.

What Makes Linux so Unique?

Image result for linux homescreenThe key difference that makes Linux so unique is that it is an open source operating system. This means that the code used to create Linux is free and available for pubic view and edit. Users with the appropriate skill can also contribute to the OS. The core pieces of Linux are generally common and has many distributions. This gives Linux a plethora of customizable options. For example, applications, such as word processors and web browsers can be transferred ad swapped as you please. In addition, the home screen in fully customizable allowing you to make full use of the public code within Linux.

Image result for linux

If you wish to contribute to Linux

 Mainly, Linux is written in C programming language but has other programming languages as additions. That said, you don't have to be a programmer to contribute to Linux. The community is always looking for other improvements to work on such as suggestions and design of the OS. Forms of contribution include

Testers - to make sure the code is running smoothly
Designers - to design eg. user interface and graphics
Writers - to write tutorials and information on how to operate Linux
Translators - to translate the writers work into other languages
Packagers - to put the code together and ensure it runs well
Evangelists - Linux propaganda
Developers - writing the Linux software

If you want to learn more about the Linus OS or wish to try the OS for yourself, then visit their website using this link below.

Friday 9 February 2018

Upgrading your Graphics card

In the previous blog, I mentioned about people wanting to upgrade their toaster; I mean graphics card. Today, we are going to look at some popular choices to help guide you in your decision on which one to purchase. The first one we are going to look at is the NIVIDIA  GeForce GT and GTX series.


Image result for nvidia GT 740According to NIVIDIA, the GTX series splits off into two categories. The first category is for everyday computing and HD video [GT]. NIVIDIA states that these graphics cards are for "more than just great graphics. Speed up your favorite applications and play popular games the way they're meant to be played". These graphics card models range from 210 to 740. Here is the list of the models by NIVIDIA going from lowest to highest. 

GeForce 210
GeForce GT 610
GeForce GT 720
GeForce GT 730
GeForce GT 740

Image result for elite dangerous beyond
Elite Dangerous 3.0
These graphics cards are great if you are on a budget ranging from $20 to $90. However that does not means that they perform like budget graphics cards. Well, all except the 210 and maybe the 610. For me, I run a GT 740 on my ASUS computer and it performs excellently. I can run "Elite Dangerous",  on a high graphics setting and achieve over 45 FPS on a regular basis with rare occasional frame stuttering, but that is due to the beautiful graphics detailing woven in. By the way, I highly recommend this game is you enjoy exploring.

Then there is the second category of graphics cards that are specifically designed for HD gaming. This category is made for hardcore gamers who compete with their friends at who has the best frame rate. NIVIDIA quotes: "The ultimate GPU from NIVIDIA. Delivers intense performance and the broadest set of features for gamers who demand the best". Unfortunately, "the best" also includes the most expensive. They range from $150 to over $1000. You will have to be wise in your decisions if you wish to purchase such a godly GPU. These graphics cards range models range from 950 to 1080, the most godly being the 1080Ti. Again, here is a list of the models starting from godly, to extremely godly.


Image result for nvidia GTXGeForce GTX 950
GeForce GTX 960
GeForce GTX 970
GeForce GTX 980
GeForce GTX 980Ti
GeForce GTX 1050
GeForce GTX 1050Ti
GeForce GTX 1060
GeForce GTX 1070
GeForce GTX 1080
GeForce GTX 1080Ti

These graphics cards have all the qualities of the GT series but on a whole new level.
Graphics cards in this category are of the highest quality and are made for dedicated gamers. At least 100 frames per second can be reached with these graphics card. Th

The NIVIDIA series graphics cards are certainly remarkable and are a pleasure to operate; especially for beginners and the experts.

Saturday 20 January 2018

Windows vs Mac

The war between Microsoft and Apple started long before you were born and is still raging on today. Many people are preparing to purchase a PC and along with it, an operating system, an OS. The
Image result for cakefirst thing that comes to mind when it is time to decide is which company to buy it from and usually, the choice is between Windows by Microsoft or a Macbook, from Apple. So let's get down to the pros and cons of each OS. If you make it to the end, you can reward yourself with a pat on the back and might even get cake. ------->


The Windows OS was released on Novembe
r 20, 1985 making it a pioneer of OS history. From then to now, the OS has undergone numerous upgrades, overhauls and even failures (*cough*Windows Vista). Today, Windows offers ex
tensive flexibility in its software and uses making it favorable for many customers. It has more software available that any other platform and offers great backwards compatibility. Backwards Compatibility is the ability to support older versions of software. For example, it is possible that you can run Windows 7 if you are currently using Windows 10. Security and the change of getting a computer virus increases however because now you're one of the big boys on the block and are a target to those wanting your sweet, succulent personal information.

Particularly, the gaming community seems to love using this OS as it allows for greater disk storage space as well as RAM allowing for plenty of graphics detailing and a smooth frame rate. This is a blessing for those who want to upgrade their graphics card that is a toaster shoved violently into your PC. Windows is also compatible with all games designed for use on a computer/laptop. Who doesn't like playing on "Ultra" graphics mode with 147 FPS?


The MAC OS is much younger than Windows. Its release date is March 24, 2001. The MAC OS is used specifically on computers and/or laptops made by Apple. The most common form of the OS is on the laptop, referred to as a Macbook. The OS is more user friendly and you quickly get used to it after learning the basics. Not like in Windows where you accidentally press "f12" when browsing and a bunch of code pops up out of nowhere making the experience not so enjoyable. However, professional Windows users have mastered the ancient art of the "f12" button and are said to have control over all four seasons and the UNLIMITED POWER OF THE UNIVERSE! Okay maybe not the last parts. On the other hand, once you have gotten the hang of it, there is not much more you can do. Sadly, no "f12" superpowers for you. A silver lining to all this; your OS is much less likely to succumb to viruses and security issues thus lowering the amount of maintenance and a smoother experience.


Here, we arrive at the end of this comparison. To briefly summarize, if you wish to get the most bang for your buck, Windows can provide it all, and much more. However, if you prefer a more user friendly interface and high security, go for a MAC. Now get out there and go treat yourself to a cake!

Monday 8 January 2018

Windows 7 vs Windows 10 Should you upgrade?

A quick disclaimer: I know I'm a bit late covering this topic but lets just get right down to it.

     Today, most of the world is using the Windows 7 OS by Microsoft. But Windows 7 was getting old and we needed something new. Microsoft responded with a new OS, Windows 8. Windows 8 was a failed design with A START MENU WHAT WERE YOU THINKING!? (please excuse the amount of salt in that phrase)The most noticeable difference between the two operating systems is that the once glassy, rounded home screen has been changed to a flat, colorful and boxy one. The overall flatness if Windows 10 makes it look far more professional and appealing than Windows 7. Naturally, this big of an overhaul would send people rushing to upgrade yet 48% of Windows users still use Windows 7 while only about 28% use Windows 10. So why are people so reluctant to upgrade? (Probably because of some START MENU in your past Microsoft, hm?)

     One reason is that your machine does not read the requirements for Windows 10 to install. Usually, it takes at least 20 GB of open hard drive space to install the 64 bit version (16 GB for the 32 bit version). You'll also need an extra 2 GB of RAM and a Direct-X 9 capable video card.

Image result for windows 7 vs windows 10 2017
     In Windows 10, personal privacy is also reduced as the OS is configured to send feedback to Microsoft for updates and to show ads in the Start Menu. Of course, these features can be turned off but you'll have to browse through the settings first. In fact, Windows 10 gathers more data from your computer than any previous version.

     Windows updates are usually a good thing; there might be some bugs and glitches here and there occasionally. No problem, you can just turn the auto updates off. Not in the case of Windows 10 though. There's no off button for the updates so if an update comes out and there are bugs with the new update, it will spell trouble for your computer. However, Microsoft is very thorough with its updates and triple many even quadruple checks them before they are released and you can choose when to install the updates so all is not lost. I recall one time that Windows 10 failed to update on my computer so it started a boot loop and the OS was clinically dead so I had to revert back my old OS which was Windows 7. Hopefully, you will be much luckier than I am.

     So should you upgrade to Windows 10? If you don't mind auto updates and some reduction in personal privacy plus you have some hard drive space and an extra 200 dollars, by all means go ahead. However, if you agree to most of the information above, it's best that you stick to your current OS.


Geothermal Energy

GEOTHERMAL ENERGY Disclaimer: Yes I know that this is a random blog post and totally not related to my other ones but I ran out...